Sunday, March 17, 2019

Twenty Nineteen and Going Green

Salam semua! Oops it's March already maa, gashh I didn't publish anything here during the last two months, but oh well... Happy 2019 anyways (  ~" > w < )~"!!

So what's with Twenty Nineteen and Going Green? It rhymes just nicely, no? Kebetulan sangat tajuknya... meh :3

So some time last month I went to have lunch at Sushi King with my cousin and I was planning to renew my Sushi King membership card at the counter after we're done eating. Sekali staff kat situ bagitau something like,

"Oh sekarang Sushi King sudah tak pakai card, customers boleh install Sushi King app. dalam smartphone, boleh download app. tu dari Play Store".

I was like, "Woah...", 

and then my cousin went like, 

"Wah, going green", 

to which I replied, "Yaa, tahun ni they're going green".

And there you have it, Twenty Nineteen and Going Green. 

Going Green is indeed a good thing. A positive movement. Sayonara physical membership card, and Hello Smile Points! :D

Teriyaki Chicken Don and 3-layered Iced Coffee, approximately RM15'ish. A very wholesome lunch I would say. As for the iced coffee, I am not sure of its availability now, uhuhuu... :"3

Jya mata ne, koneko-tachi chan~ ( = ^ w ^ = )


  1. ehehe i think its a good improvement. bagus.. kadang2 kasi kad tah kemana hala kita campak ngeh2..

    1. Ya betul, kad tu boleh hilang entah ke mana X3

  2. Happy New Year 2019..

    baru 2 kali mkn kt Sushi King..zaman apps skrg ni..

    1. Zaman apps ni smatpon kita jd jauh lebih berharga :"3

  3. Replies
    1. Tidak pernah mengecewakan lagi setakat ini :3

  4. Best sushi ni tapi mahal...

    1. Biasa la tu sekarang ni semua benda pun naik harga :"D

  5. tak pernah makan sushi king =(

  6. hi Plain :) i olls baru pernah try sekali je mkn kat sushi king ni. itu pun member yg ajak coz i olls tak pandai =P

  7. Mrs. A dah lama jugak nih! tak makan kat Sushi King lunch hour sat gi macam nak pi makan Sushi Kinglah. Tengok gambar tu macam memanggil la pulok


Ada nak kata apa-apa yang bernas lagi kreatif? Kamon, kamon~
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