It's a TITLE of a story, it also happens to be the main character's NAME of that particular story, and there's a type of FOOD with that same name! What is it, kids?? It's.......
~NARUTO!!! ...dattebayooo~
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With Naruto and the gang at the cinema~ lulz... my ohsem cousin took this picture, arigatou couz~ ;3 |
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Had a mini ramen set with some naruto slices at a halal food court after watching Naruto the movie... |
I had a great time yesterday watching "The Last: Naruto the Movie" at one of the 19 selected GSC cinemas for showing that particular movie in Malaysia (not telling you which one, haha) with my awesome cousin, on a Saturday evening. Tanoshikatta desu~ (It was fun~) XD
Now, a little bit of 'spoilers' if I may... Overall, I would say the graphics and animation were O.K and rather average. The story plot was not really how I imagined it would be, as I was actually kind of hoping to see more revelation of other characters apart from Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuga Hinata. This movie seems to be a romance sequal (NaruHina) that fills in a spot somewhere in the large time gap between chapter 699 and 700 (final) of the manga, where a lot of attention was spent on the history, flashbacks (or throwbacks?) and memories that mostly concern Naruto, Hinata and the Hyuga clan. Hatake Kakashi appeared as the 6th Hokage, but his character in this movie was rather weak with little control over the catastrophic situation. Uchiha Sasuke did not appear much on the screen either (apart from making his move to save Hatake Kakashi from being smashed by a speeding huge rock from outer space, by using his chidori to blast that rock into small pieces just before it hit Kakashi's location), which made me feel rather sad for Haruno Sakura's sake... hahaha. OK, I don't want to be any more of a spoiler now for those who still haven't got the chance to catch the movie at the cinema. Catch it on the big screens while it's still there! ;3
The sound effects during the battle were awesome. KEBABOMMM! Nice... XD
Jya mata ne, koneko-tachi chan~ ( =^w^= )
ramen set tu nampak menyelerakan..takdelah guna mee court kat mana ni?.hehe..
ReplyDeleteshhhh *bisik2 jawapan*, hehehe~ XD
Deletebile ntah nak pegi tengok nih ... asyik tak menyempat jer... haisshhh
ReplyDeletebizi planning next vacation punya iti yer... hehe~ ;3
DeleteSampai sudah aku mencari masa nak pergi layan cerita ni...
ReplyDeleteDengar kata dah ada rumour next Naruto Shippuuden movie (8th tak silap aku) tentang anak dia Boruto...
They really cashing some cows with Naruto...hahaha
hoho... biasalah tu, naruto kan ada ramai peminat all around the globe, semua peringkat umur pun boleh layan cerita naruto... hihih ;3
DeleteNasib baik aku tak layan Naruto .. kalau tak aku dah mengamuk bila ang bagi spoiler banyak sangat... koh koh koh...
ReplyDeleteNak kena try Ramen jugaklah.. koh koh koh
kehkehkeh... my personal opinion about ramen, between ramen and soba, soba wins ;3
Deletekaknoor singgah tengok naruto dan ramen tu mengancam betul lah
ReplyDeletehehe rasa ramen tu bolehlah tahan, bagi orang yang suka makan mee segera tu mesti rasa heaven je bila makan ramen ;3
DeleteNaruto dan Ramen memang tak dapat dipisahkan. Haha.
ReplyDeleteMovie ni rasa spoiled pulak bila tengok karakter Kakashi nampak weak tak seperti dalam siri yang nampak dia berkebolehan menjadi leader yang bagus sebab dia adalah salah seorang strategist di Konoha.
Tu lah... aku tengok Kakashi bertukar jadi karekter menggelabah dalam movie ni... aku rasa la kan, dia tak sesuai jadi hokage, dia boleh jadi leader yang bagus dalam 1 team kecil, tapi untuk menjadi seorang leader kepada satu komuniti masyarakat yang besar, tak sesuai kot, walaupun dia seorang yang genius tapi dia tak ada kharisma seorang hokage... aku rasa macam itulah (ceyhhh sembang macam bebetul wujud pulak konoha dan hokage tu, hahahah) ;p
DeleteTapi gaya penceritaan Masashi Kishimoto ni memang mantap. Lengkap dengan detail-detail strategi yang digunakan oleh watak-watak yang genius macam Shikamaru. Aku sendiri pun kadang rasa macam Konoha tu konon pernah wujud dalam sejarah dunia.
DeletePernah aku dengan adik aku discuss world politic dengan gunakan analogi dunia ninja Naruto. Haha. Tak leh blah betul time tu.
Aku rasa la, Masashi tu banyak study buku-buku pasal politik dan peperangan dunia sebelum dan semasa dia buat cerita Naruto ni, sebab aku notice ada certain parts tu macam serius sikit dalam cerita ni. Lagi sorang tu Eichiro Oda, karya One Piece dia tu padat gila kot, dia buat audience berfikir pasal banyak benda yang berkaitan keadilan, peperangan dan politik, sambil menerapkan nilai2 kemanusiaan.
DeleteSeumur hidup ni xpernah tgk Naruto.... mungkin sbb Cikna ni pmpn kot
ReplyDeleteerkkk... ermm, saya pun perempuan juga, macam cikna... cuma saya ni cikplain lah ;3
Deleteehhhh plain-kun pmpuan? *facepalmsssssss*
Deleteahahah, nisa-chan... mo iteta desho? watashi wa plain-neesan desu yo, mo teba~ X3
Deleteowhh nama benda makan tu pun naruto la ek plain? hehehe
ReplyDeleteiye, watak Naruto tu sebenarnya diberi nama sempena nama makanan itulah ;3
Deletecuba bayangkan kalau kita buat komik lepas tu kita namakan dia dengan nama makanan kegemaran kita... contoh kalau Jepun, Naruto Uzumaki (Spiral Fishcake),
Deletekalau Melayu, nama watak kita ialah Karipap Pusing ~~~~~~
mampus kena gelak...
hahah jinz, takpa la kena gelak pun, kita buat la komik tu dengan genre 'humor', ok what? hahahah... aku rasa karipap pusing tak cukup unik la, apa kata letak tajuk kuih lapis, kuih kochi, atau pulut udang? XD
Deleteok ape letak nama cenggitu. rare hehehe
Deletenape la muka tuan rumah ni diletakkan sticker hehe
ReplyDeletesebab tuan rumah ni pemalu orangnya.... heheee~ ;3
DeletePeminat tegar Naruto ke? hihi
ReplyDeletehai aishah~
Deletetakdelah tegar mane minatnye, biase2 je...
ni peminat tegar ninja ke? hehe ;3
ari tue sy tgk kat GSC Nu Sentral... hihi...
ReplyDeletebile ending nye, sumer org pun applause... feel di situ...muehehehe...
pas credits, ade gak show sket psl naruto n hinata... plain-san tgk x?
btw, I just got to know u were a girl...haha XD
sou desu neee, feel di situ... hehee~ ;3
Deleteare mo mita... part last kali selepas credits tu, awwww... i'm happy for the both of them~ X3
hmmm... i thought i told you already sometime ago, nisa-chan tak perasan le tew... hihih~ ;3
Makan ramen tu Kat mana?? Nampak sedap kemain wehh haha
ReplyDeleteDi food court yang ada di Alamanda :D