Hello you anime lovers out there, minna genki ka? (everyone in good health?)
Yoshhh it's anime review time again~ Here are 10 more interesting anime series and movies for you anime lovers of all ages out there to watch and enjoy during your free time, or whenever you feel like you need some inspiration to spice up your tired/blocked/stressed brain! LoL... if you've already watched any of these before, do tell me how you feel about them in the comment section below ne~ ^^
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Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy
Creator: Yellow Tanabe
Vintage: 2006
Type/length: 52 episodes (completed)
Personal rating: 8/10
Personal rating: 8/10
* Not the usual ordinary school life for these two 'bad spirit hunters', they are trained by their honorable family heads to protect their precious land and school during night time. Ketsu! Metsu! :D
Kimi ni Todoke
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Creator: Karuho Shiina
Vintage: 2009
Type/length: 25 episodes (season 1), 12 episodes (season 2) + live action movie
Personal rating: 7.5/10
Personal rating: 7.5/10
* It's basically a light, decent and slow-paced drama, which has won the sentimental hearts of many sentimental people. You can probably relate this story to your own past school life, where some of your classmates were 'shy shy cats' like these kids ^^
Skip Beat
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Creator: Yoshiki Nakamura
Vintage: 2008
Type/length: 25 episodes (completed)
Personal rating: 7/10
Personal rating: 7/10
* My cousin recommended this series some time 3 years ago. This piece starts to have an interesting plot when the girlfriend decides to get some revenge against her conceited childhood friend@'boyfriend'... first step, dying her hair orange... 2nd step, join the entertainment agency... next step? watch it yourself~ XD
Ikoku Meiro no Croisee
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Creator: Hinata Takeda
Vintage: 2011
Type/length: 12 episodes (completed)
Personal rating: 7.5/10
Personal rating: 7.5/10
* An interesting and refreshing anime series where a young,
bright, doll-like Japanese girl decided to follow an elderly French man
back to France in order to work in his iron-plate shop together with his
grandson. This anime has a sweet and clean story plot, a pleasant genre to watch for all.
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Genre: Action, Science Fiction
Creator: Stan Lee
Vintage: 2010
Type/length: 26 episodes (completed)
Personal rating: 7.5/10
Personal rating: 7.5/10
* It's a rather Americanized anime... pretty interesting. One person's trash is another person's treasure, literally. Broken action figure turned into HEROMAN and saved planet earth, thanks to a boy and his best friend ^^
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Creator: Honobu Yonezawa
Vintage: 2012
Type/length: 22 episodes (completed)
Personal rating: 8/10
Personal rating: 8/10
* Energy conserving (or simply put - lazy ass or unmotivated) boy blessed with a mysterious mystery solving talent versus a highly curious, energetic, rich and persistent girl... a very unlikely couple but yeah, opposites attract... owh and the mysteries solved are interesting too, but not as intense as Conan's :p
Paranoia Agent
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Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller, Psychological
Creator: Satoshi Kon
Vintage: 2004
Type/length: 13 episodes (completed)
Personal rating: 7/10
Personal rating: 7/10
* Contains some profanity (warning). This world is filled with sick and tormented people indeed... watch this at your own risk, you have been waaaarned *paranoid mode*
Colorful (movie)
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Creator: Hara Keiiti
Vintage: 2011
Type/length: animovie
Personal rating: 8.5/10
Personal rating: 8.5/10
* Morale of this animovie: Life has many colors, dark and bright... everything happens for a reason, believe in yourself and never give up on life. Death is not the answer to any problem, and second chances must not be wasted. Love your family and good friends, they are precious.
Summer Wars (movie)
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Creator: Mamoru Hosoda
Vintage: 2009
Type/length: animovie
Personal rating: 9/10
Personal rating: 9/10
* Really, this kind of animovie proves that "a book must not be judged by its cover". The title and the poster barely describe what's going on in this awesome piece. Watch it and let your brain decide, it's a worthy masterpiece.
Kakurenbo (movie)
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Creator: Sai Yukino
Vintage: 2004
Type/length: animovie
Personal rating: 8.5/10
Personal rating: 8.5/10
* Damn wicked animovie, I literally looked behind my back twice while watching this alone in my room that night... I'm not the type of person who'd get scared easily but this is the first ever scary animovie that literally sent shivers down my spine... damn wicked ufufuuu ("^3^)~
~Previous personal anime reviews~
Well that's all for now my kitties, watch out for my 5th anime review, coming soon~ XD
Last but not least, I'd like to share my home-made acoustic (guitar+vocal) anime song cover 'Calling - by Flow', one of Heroman's early ending themes.
has been purposely mirrored. Visual (clip) belongs to Heroman, audio
belongs to me, and the original song belongs to Flow.
Jya mata ne koneko-tachi chan~ (=^w^=)
ko dah tengok semua anime ni ke?
ReplyDeletebtw, kekkaishi kool!
ye le kalo x camno den nak review? :p
Deletebanyak yg vintage 2008 ke bawah tu den layan zaman study dlu, bile stress je, gi layan anime, bersemangat la balik.. ahaha ^^
kekkaishi mmg kool, dulu layan manga dia pastu baru aku cari anime dia :D
colourful tu mcm menarik.
ReplyDeletemmg menarik... layan la bila ada masa, animovie yg ni buat kita pikir panjang pasal erti kehidupan... bebudak kecik kalo tengok ni mungkin kurang penghayatannya berbanding orang dewasa ^^
Deletehuh banyak masa hang tengok semua benda ni no, jelez betul aku
ReplyDeletebtw lama menghilang no, aku dah upload gambar2 anjing aku hehe
mai la tgk
duh' aku bukan baru je layan smua2 ni la, aku ni jenis keep track of anime series/movies yg aku pernah tengok dari zaman skolah smpai ke zaman kerja... mana yg aku tringat nak review, aku review la... aku ni bukan spesis suka keluar jalan2 tengok wayang/shopping/main game kat arcade/kuar makan2 smbil gossip bila ada masa free, sbb aku rasa smua tu memenatkan aku lagi ada (membazir duit pun ye jugak), tu bukan boleh release stress tp tambah lg ada, penat der... that's why hang nampak mcm aku ada bnyk gila masa, padahal aku tak suka spend free time kat luar... aku kalo kuar beli barang mmg cepat jer, dah siap list brg2 apa yg perlu aku beli, mcm tu la style aku... wayang? bazir masa n duit.. jalan2 tepi pantai or shopping ngn members? kadang2 layan gak... forever alone? sukati orang la nak kata aku apa, aku x kaco dorang pun, aku happy jer LoL :p
Deleteaiwah banyaknya dia dah tonton. :)
ReplyDeletesumber inspirasi yang berkesan buat diri ku ini ^^
Deletesalam sejahtera plain. selamat pagi... ^__^
ReplyDeletesalam salam ^^
Deleterajinnya hang review semua anime XD
ReplyDeleteshort reviews cmnih jap jer, kalo nak review 1 anime per 1 entry, hah yg tu mmg rajin gila la.. hoho :p
DeleteKo just view online atau ko downlaod dan simpan dalam DVD?
ReplyDeleteMacam member aku Beratus DVD koleksi anime downlaod dan view.
Kalau buat marathon sebulan straight pun belun tentu habis tengok.
Aku masih confuse macamana orang ada banyak masa tengok benda alah ni semua. Macam ko bujang macam kawan aku dah kawin ada anak bini semua haih.. Mungkin dia ada bilik masa macam dalam Dragon Ball.
ada yg download n burn dlm dvd, ada yg beli, ada yg trade dgn member2 kaki anime, n ada yg skadar view on9...
Deletehahah maybe member ko tu banyak layan anime dari masa dia belom kawin lg kot, otai anime tu... colleague aku pun ada yg dah married with kids but still layan anime, tp x la ligat mcm zaman dia bujang dulu... mana anime yg ada high moral values tu dia layan ngan anak2 dia skali, tu kira quality time dgn family dia la tu.. sempoi ahahah ^^
shoujo detected!!! :D
ReplyDeletekeh keh.. some shoujos are not bad, bleh layan sbb curious apsal rating dia tinggi n quite popular, smpai ada live action lagi ^^
Deleteshoujo mmg plot dia quite dull la, tp graphic and animation nice to look at ^^
beb, add sinopsis plis
ReplyDeleteada ada... click itu link kat bawah picture mana2 anime yg berkenan :D
DeleteRamai kawan suggest tgk Kimi ni todoke, katanya best, both manga n anime...
ReplyDeleteTp tak pernah berkesempatan nk tgk..heheheh
1st season tu orait gak la, tp masuk 2nd season tu dah mcm agak bosan... but still better than most shoujo anime yg mana mostly tak bleh dilayan langsung :p
DeleteThis is a really good tip particularly to those fresh to the blogosphere.
ReplyDeleteSimple but very accurate information… Thanks for sharing this one.
A must read article!
My blog : visionwithoutglassesscam.Org
semua aku tak minat..hahaha..apa pun, aku mnunggu naruto keluar harini..
ReplyDeletenaruto dah mmg all-time fav ^^
Deleteko rasa orochimaru tu ada muslihat tak. takkan dia bleh control kot 4 hokage. nasib baik 4 hokage tu orochimaru jer tau mayat dia.
Deletehuh orochimaru tu mmg liat btol nyawa dia... boleh ke x boleh dia bebetul mampu control 4 hokage tu terpulang pada kishimoto san... tp yg bestnya itachi x berjaya dikawal spenuhnya... ohoho :p
Deletemata itachi mmg spesel. tapi kuasa naruto pn tahap gaban. konfem yondaimee kagum sbb naruto bleh kawal musang. aku rasa, musang tu akan bantu naruto.
Deleteaku cuma tengok Naruto, Bleach dan Samurai X
ReplyDeleteRurouni Kenshin - live action movie, da layan blom? =D
singgah jap...amboi byknye katun...huhu
ReplyDeletesalam kak anis^^...jd silent readerzz jap b4 nee..hmmmm byk betui koleksi anime akak..sjak knal blog nee baru 4 jenis yg dpt beli..danshi koukousei,, tsuritama,, ano hana n 1 g lupa plak...hmmm kuat sunguh penangan blog akak smpai gigih sya nak cari smua tuu...peminat akak punya psl...kes kes kess^^
ReplyDelete_mamat,, kb bru9-
wah sampai beli tu? haha dasat2... sis download or view on9 je banyak ^^
Deleteteruskan menulis,,,kagum ngan kbolehan akak yg byk...lau kiter ada jodoh kiter sanding kat jepon yeerrr^^...kes kes kesss...gurau jerrr
ReplyDelete-mamat,, kb bru9-
namaiki na omae (amboi2 kemain mu ni yer) :p
Deletechannel 715 tu pun dah tak larat nak tgk...
ReplyDeleteKLIK RCI- kad penegnalan biru dikeluarkan untuk meningkatkan bilangan pengundi Islam di Sabah
owh anime selection kat animax tu semakin bosan :p
Deletesemua tak prnah tngok lagi. hihi.
ReplyDeleteparanoia agent tu mcm menarikkk..
dlu prnah tengok satu anime ni, dia cerita pasal budak sekolah yang boleh masuk dalam buku. tngok masa dia tayang kat tv. nak cari balik tapi tak ingat apa tajuk dia.
owh anime tu, citer budak perempuan jepun masuk dlm buku sejarah china, pastu jumpa dgn pahlawan2... Fushigi Yugi? :D
Deleterasanya betul dah tu.. :D
Deletelpas godek google, bru ingat tajuk bi untuk citer ni masa tayang kat tv. tajuk dia curious play, sama la kann? :D
ahaa betul lah tu, terra cheq teka heheh ^^
Deletehaha i always use ur review to choose which anime i should watch . tq plain :)
ReplyDeletedouitashimashite!... glad to know that~ XD