Salam, konnichiwa and hello to all of you wonderful and sparkly kirakira anime lovers out there~ Minna genki desu ka? Kyo wa mada mada atsui tenki da ne, Mereshia-jin tachi~ (Everyone in good health? The weather is still hot today ne, fellow Malaysians~) (^~^;)ゞ
Yoshhh it's anime review time again (the first one for this year), so here are 10 more interesting anime series/movies for you anime lovers of all ages out there to watch and to enjoy during your free time, or whenever you feel like you need some instant inspiration to spice up your tired/blocked/fried/stressed-out brain! X3 LoL... if you've already watched any of these before, do tell me how you feel about them in the comment section below, ne~
Uchoten Kazoku
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Info & download here |
Genre: Adventure, Supernatural, Myth, Comedy, Drama
Creator: Tomihiko Morimi
Vintage: 2013
Type/length: 13 episodes (completed)
Creator: Tomihiko Morimi
Vintage: 2013
Type/length: 13 episodes (completed)
Personal rating: 8/10
* A weird family. Beware of onion-cutting ninjas, they will strike somewhere nearing the end of this anime series! Tanuki (raccoon dogs), tengu (humanly crows) and humans live together in Kyoto, oh how awesomez (and dangerous)~ (」・ω・)」
Kyoukai no Kanata
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Info & download here |
Creator: Kyoto Animation
Vintage: 2013
Type/length: 12 episodes (completed)
Vintage: 2013
Type/length: 12 episodes (completed)
Personal rating: 8/10
* Imagine you have poisonous blood running through your veins, and using it to make a sword after solidifying it instantly... and when you strike and pierce the flesh of your enemy, you command your solidified cursed blood to liquify and spread within the wounded enemy... man that's one pretty original idea I might say, a nasty one at that. Imagine opening a locked door with the same technique, using your blood to become the key after it enters the key hole, uwaahh... ( "^3^)~
Shingeki no Kyojin
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Info & download here |
Creator: Hajime Isayama
Vintage: 2013
Type/length: 25 episodes (on hiatus)
Vintage: 2013
Type/length: 25 episodes (on hiatus)
Personal rating: 8/10
* Naturally, humankind doesn't have a specific strong enemy of another species that could pose a real threat to the human race alone. In reality, humans kill, control and dominate other humans, fight in wars and die in vengence out of their own stupidity and disability to "agree to disagree" on the stupidest matters. This anime somehow makes people think and imagine, what if there IS that awfully strong enemy of another different species, where they specifically target humans as their prey? Taihen desu ne... panic tymeee~ (」゚ロ゚)」
Nagi no Asukara
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Info & download here |
Creator: Toshiya Shinohara
Vintage: 2013
Type/length: currently on-going...
Vintage: 2013
Type/length: currently on-going...
Personal rating: 8.5/10
* Shioshishio, a wonderful and peaceful town for "marine humans" down there on the unpolluted seabed... oooh what a lovely and mesmerizing thing that would be, the view would definitely be incredibly stunning... sore ii neee~ (´▽`ʃƪ)♡
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Info & download here |
Creator: Diomedea
Vintage: 2013
Type/length: 12 episodes (completed)
Vintage: 2013
Type/length: 12 episodes (completed)
Personal rating: 7/10
* The giant silver fox spirit, Gintarou, loves to eat oranges (mikan) while watching over the temple. A pretty easy-going anime, with its own cuteness and attraction. There are times when my cats stare at me in the eyes, I feel as if they're going to utter some comprehensible words... uwahh~ ( "^w^)
Yowamushi Pedal
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Info & download here |
Creator: Asahi Production
Vintage: 2013
Type/length: currently on-going...
Type/length: currently on-going...
Personal rating: 8.5/10
* Yowamushi pedal, literally means a weakling who pedals, yes, this is a "bike-racing-tournament-themed" anime, and a cool one at that! Otaku Onoda is actually a bike-racing genius who has been in the shadows all this while! Ike Onoda-kun!! Damn I miss my mountain bike!! Shikusho!! (´;д;`)~
Gin no Saji
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Info & download here |
Personal rating: 8/10
* Silver Spoon. All about the ups and downs of agriculture know-how, the do's and don't's, and the science behind it. Really, this kind of informative anime should be fully supported and watched by everyone of all ages. Why is that? It makes you smarter in a fun way, you gain knowledge that allows you to relate and compare with the real practice of agriculture. No joke desu~ ( ̄ω ̄)
The Law of Ueki
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Info & download here |
Creator: Geneon Universal Entertainment
Vintage: 2005
Type/length: 51 episodes (completed)
Vintage: 2005
Type/length: 51 episodes (completed)
Personal rating: 7/10
* The number of talents (magical talents) one has or obtained is of crucial importance in advancing in this tournament, where the talent of 'blank' is highly desirable. Well, a tournament is a tournament, losing is not an option ( ̄ω ̄)...
Kotonoha no Niwa (animovie)
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Info & download here |
Creator: Makoto Shinkai
Vintage: 2013
Type/length: animovie
Vintage: 2013
Type/length: animovie
Personal rating: 8/10
* The Garden of Words. The graphics and details for this 44-minute masterpiece are exceptionally stunning, my jaw nearly dropped in awe most of the time. An inspirational piece for those who would like to design and make shoes one day, and for those who simply admire rainy days...(人´∀`*)
Hoshi wo ou kodomo (animovie)
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Info & download here |
Creator: Shinkai Makoto
Vintage: 2011
Type/length: animovie
Vintage: 2011
Type/length: animovie
Personal rating: 7.5/10
* Kids who chase "lost voices" from deep below. The graphics are awesome, as expected from the same creator of Kotonoha no Niwa (2013). This story somehow feels like one of those Ghibli's creations, with a little warning though, there is a certain level of objectionable content in this piece... (。・ω・。)ノ"
~Previous anime reviews~
Well that's all for now my koneko-tachi chan (kittens), watch out for my 8th post of personal anime review, coming soon (a few months from now I guess)~ X3
Last but not least, I'd like to share my home-made acoustic (guitar+vocal) anime song cover I made sometime 2 years ago, 'Tabidatsu kimi e - by RSP', one of Bleach's earlier ending themes.
Great voice!
ReplyDeleteawhhh~ arigatou~ *(*´∀`*)☆
Deletegardens of words penah tgk review dia kat 9gag, dia compare gamba betul ngan gamba anime, lawa siot. shinkai makoto memang power.. lom tgk lagi any anime kat atas except for ueki. tenx for the link bebeh!!
ReplyDeletelast time masa comic fiesta diorg ade tayang muvi shinkai aku lupe tajuk sbb panjang gile. tapi gaya da macam miyazaki dah anime & storyline dia kalo dia buat citer fantasi.
Deleteyou're welcome hime-chan~ ;3
Deleteoh ada muvi shinkai yg tajuknya panjang gila? hai' nnt aku search~ X3
peminat enime tegar ni.
ReplyDeleteway better than watching those malay dramas, anime yg aku tengok semuanya membuatkan otak aku berkembang di kala berehat setelah penat menyiapkan tugasan ( ̄ー ̄)
DeleteKyoukai no kanata is epic, so does kotonoha no niwa.. touching giler.. the law of ueki agak classic tp gempak, aku siap hafal semua level power2 dia dulu kot!! haha.. currently still following yowamushi pedal.. stop following nagi no asakura mid-way sebab xtahan jealousy MC tu, dengan aku sekali rse jealous -_- and... SNK x tengok (walaupon semua org cakap epic) only sebab the titan looks gross
ReplyDeletelooking forward to watch the other recommended anime.. what's your fav anime genre?
ohohoo, irasshaimase, fellow anime fan~ ^^
Deleteoya? tak tengok SNK only bcoz the titans look gross? wakaka!! ya agak gross la, tp lebih kpd kelakar ;p... to me SNK is quite addictive due to the details in the 3DMG (maneuver gear), and the plot is rather awesome, asal usul titan masih belum diketahui ;3
my fav anime genre? tak menentu kot, more to seinen and shonen i guess, and some shoujo with awesome graphics ;3
well.. maybe someday akan terbukak pintu hati nak tengok SNK XD
Deleteyg confirm, i'm waiting for Gun Gales Online!!
Dalam banyak-banyak anime, aku paling minat filem-filem keluaran Ghibli studios. Start terpengaruh lepas tengok Spirited Away.
ReplyDeleteOh ya sama la, aku pun mula terpengaruh dgn Ghibli lepas tengok Spirited Away X3
Deletesame here!! tp spirited away mula2 macam agak slow.. luckily i bear with that, and tengok sampai habis..
Deletegudjobbu desu~ ;3
Deleteaku cuma tengok shingeki no kyojin, tu pun lepas baca review anime aujinz..
ReplyDeletequit cool i must said..tapi lepas episod 15 aku rasa plot nya makin bosan..lepas tu aku terus stop follow..
lor hahaa... plot SNK menarik bagi aku disebabkan oleh faktor asal usul titans yang masih menjadi sebuah misteri, dan juga faktor misteri asal usul protective walls itu sendiri ;3
ReplyDeletearigatou ^^
DeleteAku baru habis download Kyoukai no Kanata, tak tengok lg..
ReplyDeleteTp aku baru habis layan Love Lab. Cute.
Aku dgr anime Tokyo Ravens best, aku pon rasa best sbb aku ada baca manga dia.
Nanti aku nak download Tokyo Ravens.
oh aku kekadang stream via smatpon je, tak donlot pun ^^
Deletetokyo ravens? kewl, i'll check it out later ;3
hohoho new review, Kyouhai no Katana tu baru tengok separuh. seronok tengok megane pervert interect dgn junior yg jadikan dye sebagai tikus makmal XD
ReplyDeleteok my review :D
1'Kuroko Basketball
pro: citer awesome, jarang ada anime sport buat exciting macam ni
con: seriously, ada influence dari Slamdunk(mmg x dapat elak)
2.Samurai Champloo
pro: when samurai mixed with hip-hop is equal to BOOM awesomeness XD, jalan cerita x slow
con: impropriate due to gore and aldultery
pro: non-fanservice shonen yg best tengok, plot teratur
con: agak slow, anime lari daripada manga
4.Acchi Kochi
pro:nice Kodomo, boleh hilang stress bila tengok citer ni, comel lukisan
con: citer agak biasa-biasa je, klise joke story
5.Angel Beats!
pro: citer yg ada isi. ada elemen shonen+feel, citer ada related to life and boleh menangis dengan endingnya selain OP/ED yg enjoy
con: plot x kemas langsung, character terlalu banyak ditunjukkan dalam whole 12 episode, character development juga x ketara cuma sebahagian kecil je yg ada perkembangan perlukan season 2
that's nice ;3
DeleteSamurai Champloo n Kekkaishi dah direview dlm past personal anime reviews, memang awesome ^^
oh, ada tengok Acchi Kochi? agak gediks anime tu, fua fua sgt ;p
p/s: oh, bukan Kyohai no Katana (commoner's sword) lah, tapi Kyoukai no Kanata (boundary's village = a place over the boundaries = beyond the boundaries) ;3
thanx untuk betulkan and first time tengok cover akak memang sedap saya dgr saya suka :D
Deleteara', sou?? arigatou gozaimasu~ (人´∀`*)
Deleteadik ana si aiman mmg anime lovers.
ReplyDeletebebaru ni tgk dia ada layan the law of ueki hehe
hehe, anamizu pun layan sekali yer~ ;3
DeleteAku suka anime apakahnamanya the death of fireflies, anime lama old skool but true story and ironic
ReplyDeleteOwh silap, baru sj google, grave of fireflies...hahahaha
Deleteatau dalam nama Jepunnya, "Hotaru no Haka" (kelip-kelip punya kubur), directed by Hayao Miyazaki ;3
Deletesaya bukan peminat anime..jadi saya pun tatau apa yang nak komen..hehehe
Sya suka doremon..shin chan ..anime yg ni mmg x pnh tgk lg try tgk jgk ni..kut kut bleh bg inspirasi yg bersemngt ni..^_^
ReplyDeleteshingeki no kyojin is the best anime ever....nuff said