Salam and konnichiwa minna-san~
Hai' haaai' tis anime review time again, and this time I'm gonna make short reviews on 10 selected animated films from Studio Ghibli Production. Studio Ghibli, lead by Hayao Miyazaki sensei, is a highly renowned Japanese animation production house, founded in 1985 by Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata, two of the best animation creators. For more info on Studio Ghibli, visit ^^
Hai' haaai' tis anime review time again, and this time I'm gonna make short reviews on 10 selected animated films from Studio Ghibli Production. Studio Ghibli, lead by Hayao Miyazaki sensei, is a highly renowned Japanese animation production house, founded in 1985 by Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata, two of the best animation creators. For more info on Studio Ghibli, visit ^^
Spirited Away
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Creator: Hayao Miyazaki
Vintage: 2001
Type/length: animovie
Personal rating: 9/10
* Awesome and memorable, to the extent where some of the scenes and sound may penetrate your dreams and subconsciousness. This award-winning, best picture masterpiece is the very reason that actually got me totally hooked with Studio Ghibli collection sometime in 2004, back when I was in my fourth semester doing my bachelor's degree :3
My Neighbor Totoro
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Creator: Hayao Miyazaki
Vintage: 1988
Type/length: animovie
Personal rating: 8.5/10
* Totoro, the famous catlike creature, has become the mascot of Studio Ghibli itself. Despite the cuteness, fluffy-ness, and charming environment of this whole story, there is actually a 'dark side' of this folklore legend. One can choose not to believe the dark, gory and sad side of this story, just take the animovie as it is presented in Studio Ghibli. Minna bujide yokatta (everyone is safe, thank goodness) :3
Howl's Moving Castle
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Creator: Hayao Miyazaki
Vintage: 2004
Type/length: animovie
Personal rating: 8.5/10
* Howl's Moving Castle is based on a fantasy novel, written by British author Diana Wynne Jones, first published in 1986 by Greenwillow Books of New York. I still haven't gotten the chance to read the novel yet, but I think Studio Ghibli has splendidly animated this story into a superb masterpiece :D
Princess Mononoke
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Creator: Hayao Miyazaki
Vintage: 1997
Type/length: animovie
Personal rating: 9/10
* One of my favorite Ghibli animovies, Mononoke Hime! The tenacious wolf princess goes all out protecting her wolf tribe and the sacred forest against industrialization and human greed. A very inspiring masterpiece, a must watch Ghibli film indeed~ :D
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
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Creator: Hayao Miyazaki
Vintage: 1984
Type/length: animovie
Personal rating: 8.5/10
* Nausicaa is one of the earlier Ghibli films that got my respect. The theme is rather futuristic where pollution on the earth has gotten out of hand, and many oddly creatures exist in the highly affected areas where humankind used to roam. A must watch masterpiece, grab your popcorn and soft drinks peeps~ XD
The Cat Returns
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Creator: Hiroyuki Morita
Vintage: 2002
Type/length: animovie
Personal rating: 8/10
* A charming Ghibli film for cat lovers, those who adore cats and Japanese animation, this animovie is made especially for you! If there is such a place as Cat Kingdom, I would very much like to pay a visit!! Nyaaa~ X3
Only Yesterday
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Creator: Isao Takahata
Vintage: 1991
Type/length: animovie
Personal rating: 8/10
* As expected of Isao Takahata, this film is more reality-based and rather close to the everyday life of most of us. How many of you still remember your silly yet innocent primary school days as if they were only yesterday? I bet most of us do, be it sad or happy. Watching this film made me feel like watching a very interesting documentary of the Japanese country life, where agriculture plays an important role in the development of a sustainable country. Watch it, you'll get what I mean ^^
Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea
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Creator: Hayao Miyazaki
Vintage: 2008
Type/length: animovie
Personal rating: 8/10
* A twist of The Little Mermaid, in a sense. It's a charming story of innocent puppy love and admiration of a little juvenile female fish towards a little boy by the sea. It's just overwhelmingly cute and charming, a pleasant story to watch with the whole family and friends :3
The Borrower Arrietty
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Creator: Hiromasa Yonebayashi
Vintage: 2010
Type/length: animovie
Personal rating: 7.5/10
* Little people, literally. They're not thieves, they're "borrowers". They sneak into your kitchen in the middle of the dead night like mice, neatly "borrowing" some sugar cubes, spices, some flour, only in small amounts, so the house owners won't realize any changes occurring around the house. As expected of a Ghibli production, there is bound to be some sort of a romantic spark between the characters, even though it seems almost utterly impossible.
Tales from EarthSea
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Info & download here |
Creator: Goro Miyazaki
Vintage: 2006
Type/length: animovie
Personal rating: 8/10
* Yes, Hayao Miyazaki sensei has a son, Goro Miyazaki, to carry his awesome legacy, along with his other awesome crew members of Studio Ghibli. The starting of this animovie is somewhat filled with confusing mixed emotions, but as you continue watching this masterpiece, you'll be drawn to know the ending of this fantasy folklore with a Mayan + European middle-ages setting.
Full list of Studio Ghibli's animovie collection HERE ^^
~Previous anime reviews~
And, here's my short cover (amateur and humble piano cover attempt) of Spirited Away's soundtrack. I just played it according to my own liking (hentam ajer ler), LoL, well enjoy anyways ne minna-san~ XD
Till then, watch out for my next anime review post, on Personal Anime Review #7!! X3
Jya mata ne, koneko-tachi chan~ (=^w^=)
Entri yang menarik
ReplyDeletearigatou mr. traveler san~ :3
DeleteWah, cekap hang main piano. Aku main piano tak reti, main bonggo reti la. Haha.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, aku pun layan gak movie anime yang Hayao Miyazaki create. Movie lain, aku tak pernah layan lagi. Tapi, elok jugak hang buat review macam ni. Ada jugak idea aku nak layan movie mana satu hujung minggu ni. Hehe
haaa cekap?? hahah tu patuk ayam, hentam keromo suka hati... aku main suka2 jer, takde gi class, habih rajin pun aku belek2 buku latihan piano basic hat utk budak2 kecik praktis tu, self-teaching slow2 wahkakaa~ X3
Deleteoh mesti best kalo hg layan ghibli movies smbil ngasuh ank2 hg time weekends kn? pastu nnt msti ank2 hg akan minat melukis jugak, mcm hg :D
ohsem bebeh!! aku hari2 dok bukak konsert2 joe hisaishi. jelesnye ko pandai main..
ReplyDeleteall your ratings are exactly the same as mine. just to add, isao takahata's grave of fireflies and my neighbour yamadas get 9/10 as well \(^o^)/
skang tgh tunggu wind rises & princess kaguya. really really really cant wait for it :D
hehee doumo doumo~ XD
Deletetakde cekapnyer, tu level patuk ayam, percayalah :p
hoo aku mmg dok agak dah ko mustiii mention 2 anime from isao tuu! XP... hehe, kalo aku tak set nak review 10 jer dlm satu2 entry anime review nih, aku dah masukkan skali, mmg superb pun 2 tu, isao takahata suka bikin yang ala2 dokumentari Jepun :D
betulll! wind rises & princess kaguya~ o-tanoshimi ni~ XD
aku pernah tgk spirited away je..serius best cita dia..lagi2 time hantu yang busuk gila tu..
ReplyDeletespirit yg busuk tu cantik dan bersih sebenarnya, dia jd busuk sebab banyak benda tersangkut dan tersekat kat badan dia... awesome ah citer tuh XD
Deleteciter2 ghibli banyak hidden message
Deletesou desu ne hime-chan ( =^w^= )
DeleteWalaupun aku gelar diri peminat anime, tp aku hanya pernah layan Tonari no Totoro je dr list di atas...
ReplyDeleteAku rasa, aku tak patut gelar diri peminat anime..
*mencangkum di penjuru gelap bilik*
hahah... maka, sila layan more of Ghibli animated films from now on, supreme quality anime nih ;3
DeleteHari tu aku ada nampak box set collectors edition DVD Ghibli Studio dkat kedai.
DeleteBerazam nak simpan duit nak beli...hehehe
hehe alaa donlot pun ok cero, aku pun takde la beli kesemuanya, tehee~ :p
Deleteanime2 ni zaman lepas spm ja duk layan. tgk cta fullmetal alchemist smpai nangeh2. sedeh oi! heee
ReplyDeletehohoo.., la ni suka layan game plak kan? ;p
Deletehaha cuti sekolah ja la yg mmpu main. dah abeh cuti busy gila smpai tak update blog ;p
Deletesaja tukar tajuk. bagi kena sikit ><"
hohoho~ :p not an anime fans sebenarnya...but its a good info..kalau orang borak2 pasal anime bleh laa sampuk2 skit..hehehe
ReplyDeletep/s: klik nuffy sini...
heheh try layan spirited away skali tengok, ada efek ka takdak ;p
Deletep/s: *lari pi balas klik... XD
Ai plain..lmbat bertndang..hehe..sya suka tgk ceta totoro,spirited away dgn howl moving castle tu..sbb anime dia lawa..yg lain x p nh tgk lagi..pandainya plai main piano..buat requet boley?kiss the rain - yiruma satu plain..fveret sesgt...rasa mcm ddk tgh hujan je bila dgr lagu tu..pliz2..^_^
ReplyDeletehehehee alamak request lagu? arrrr blom terer tahap nak trima request ler yana, kalo guitar tu bleh kot... hehee, nnt try slow2~ X3
DeleteByknya typo kt komen td..hoho..orite plain..gitar pun gitar la..jnji kiss the rain..best2 :D
Deletekakak ke yg main piano tu? macam laki je...hehe......anyway, terbaik la.....x layan sangat anime 2 ni...tapi kagum tengok orang pandai main piano ni......
ReplyDeleteoh mcm boy ke? hahah, oh sorilah sis mmg tak feminine, lol... nnt next recording sis akan bubuh satu card besar tulis "this is plain83" kat atas piano sis tu yer :p
DeleteSetiap kali aku singgah Popular, aku selalu nampak Howl Moving Castle, Spirited Away dan Nausicaa. Tapi selalu aku tahan dulu sebab nak tengok preview... sekarang hang dah reviewkan, so, aku akan beli bila bila aku ke popular nanti.. koh koh koh...
ReplyDeleteHang dah review steam boy dari pengarah Katsuhiro Otomo ke belom? Tema steam punk yang ohsem.
Tapi sekarang nie aku tengah sangkut layan Shingeki No Kyojin.. aku tak pernah sangkut nak baca manga dia.. tapi anime dia superb \OAO/
Lorrr beli ler, tengok skali ngan Dik Ah, mesti dia suka jugaklah~ XD
DeleteOh aku pernah tengok animovie Steam Boy kat animax dulu, mmg lawa n best gak anime tuh, nnt aku review :D
Shingeki No Kyojin aku dah layan, mmg marvelous, addictive. Aku pun x penah sangkut ngan manga dia, tp anime dia mmg perghhh, awesomezzz... aku dok mengharapkan season 2 keluar~ XD
steam boy best, nati review akira sekali plain~~
Deletebaru donlot akira XD
DeleteHahahhaa.. aku stream jer nak layan Akira.. koh koh koh
DeleteAnime, minat tapi tak seminat sampai boleh review gini. Have gone through your DA Gallery...impressive artworks. Memang stail..
ReplyDeleteeheee~ abaikan pics makanan yg bnyk tu, aku telah dilantik mnjd co-founder group foodie kat DA maka menjadi tanggungjwb aku utk upload pics makanan huhuu~ anyway thanks! XD
DeleteTapi makanan-makanan tu pun memey sedap je nampak. u're welcome. :)
Deletehayao miyazaki sensei memang awesome...tapi aku dengar2 camtu, sampai ke la tak dan nak tengok satu pon cerita dia wakakaka! nanti bila free lah. hehehe
ReplyDeletekekeke... tu la time ko free ko buat bnda2 lain atau tengok anime lain... so when you're free later aku suggest ko start ngan Spirited Away, mesti ko akan rasa wahhh, hebat giler otak Hayao Miyazaki sensei~ :D
Deletesaya tengok anime spirited away and princess momosuke and ponyo saya baca ani-manga dalam Kreko
ReplyDeleteorait seperti dijanjikan ni review anime saya:
1.Summer War
pro:animation, storyline, plot, it awesome!!!!. has family value inside
con: buat saya terfikir, habislah kalau google kena hack, kicau-bilau dunia dibuatnya 0_0"
2.Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
pro: love story yet ada kelainan yg buat peminat non-shojo pun enjoy, cerita bukan pasal love,love,love sahaja tapi libatkan masalah setiap character yang buat jadi menarik
con:x habis tengok lagi, alahai.......
3.Hanasaku Iroha
pro:watak utama character yg patut dipuji(plus cute what XD), character development smooth dan enjoy animationnya
con:ada terasa FEEL endingnya T_T, x patut kesian dye
4.Death note
pro:plot yg superb, watak anti-hero yg awesome(jarang ada penjahat yg stylo seh), story and philosophy antara sense of justice VS sense of humanity
con:ada masalah dari segi unsur satanism, conflict of ideology, ada kes peniruan jenayah based on manga seperti di Belgium
5.The world god only knows
pro:jalan cerita best, animation sederhana, ada 3 seasons so bermaksud ada sambutan baik. watak utama peragai mmg otaku sejati XD
con:ada sesetangah arc membosankan kira ada turun naik, ada storyline x ikut manga based
Oh good good, thanks for sharing~ ^^
DeleteSemua anime kat atas kecuali yang last tu, telah direview oleh sis dalam previous personal anime reviews blog ini, sila checkidout yo~ ;3
Serius ke pandai main piano ni. Aku tabik lah sspe yang reti main piano. Suka3.
ReplyDeletehahah hai teena ^^
Deletepandai tu takde la, beginner baru, main suka2 gitu ;3
saya tahu Totoro je. hahha. wah hebatnya pandai main piano! ajarin aku!
ReplyDeleteeheheee... takde hebat langsung, ni baru level beginner cipan! X3
Deletewaa.. suka!!! belum tengok lg Naucicaa ngan only yesterday. Kena tengok la lepas ni.