Yosh, hisashiburi ja no? (Right, been quite a while eh?). It has been quite a long while since my last anime review of 10 anime series/movies packed in 1 entry (...which was last year I guess? Sometime in February, no?), so, here are 10 more interesting anime series/movies for you anime admirers of all ages out there to watch and to enjoy during your free time, or whenever you feel like you need some instant inspiration to spice up your tired/blocked/fried/stressed-out brain after long hours of work/study. Oh, and if you've got "no time" or "too busy" to watch as if you're the only one in this world who's busy IRL, and you seem to have a weird hobby/addiction of going online everyday mentioning how friggin busy you are IRL on your social media when you're supposed to use that time doing actual work/study instead, plus browsing other non work-related sites on top of that, thus leaving your work piling up resembling a mountain (hence the endless mysterious cycle of "busyness" you're experiencing), well... nobody's forcing you to watch these friggin anime. This entry is specifically made for the eyes and minds of those who appreciate anime and would spend their free time after work chilling while watching some awesome anime in search of inspiration, okies? ;3
Saa-tte-tto (now then), if you've already watched any of these before, do tell me how you feel about them in the comment section below, ne~ ^^
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Creator: Kinema Citrus
Vintage: 2014
Type/length: 12 episodes (completed)
Vintage: 2014
Type/length: 12 episodes (completed)
Personal rating: 8/10
* A funny and somewhat heartwarming story of a young, blooming talented calligrapher, with not much luck on his side. Still, being sent to a rather isolated island where the locals there are super friendly and helpful after you punched an old man on the face at a calligraphy award ceremony in the city is, still not so bad. Handa-kun, you're actually very lucky. Thank your dad for it. Cherish the moment ;3
Parasyte - the Maxim
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Creator: Madhouse
Vintage: 2014
Type/length: still airing, ongoing...
Vintage: 2014
Type/length: still airing, ongoing...
Personal rating: 7.5/10
* Not for the faint-hearted, and this is no kiddies stuff. I can assume those who took biology in school would somehow enjoy watching this anime. I know I do... hahaha. Migi you dawg! (」・ω・)」
Ansatsu Kyoshitsu
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Creator: Yusei Matsui
Vintage: 2015
Type/length: still airing, ongoing...
Vintage: 2015
Type/length: still airing, ongoing...
Personal rating: 8/10
* Assassination classroom. This, is certainly 2014-2015 material. No kiddies stuff, packed with mixed emotions with a twist of unexplainable love-hate relationship between a frighteningly talented, alien-like educator Korosensei, and a group of students who really need a good teacher who can lift them off and pull them out of their own misery of being dumped into the End Class of a highly result-oriented elite school. Honestly, nobody really knows what Korosensei's true intentions are. Sure, he did carve the moon into a crescent (literally), but is he really going to destroy earth after showing so much interest in its culture, technology, history, delicacies and inhabitants? Plus, is he really an alien to begin with? ;3
Nobunaga Concerto
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Creator: Fuji Television Network Inc.
Vintage: 2014
Type/length: 10 episodes (completed)
Vintage: 2014
Type/length: 10 episodes (completed)
Personal rating: 7/10
* Japanese history anyone? Yeap, it's Japanese history alright, going back to the Sengoku Era with an unlikely crazy twist. I'm not really into history and war stuff, but watching this kind of story makes me feel like going through the books... (nawwh, bahahah)~ ;p
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Personal rating: 7.5/10
* Superpowers and supernatural talents. Most people want to have them, some people fear them, and some even think the very existence of those talents is just a pure sin due to the inequality and greed born within humanity. Jealous much? Perhaps. Moral's got some catchy phrases, I even quoted one of them once. LoL X3
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
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Genre: Comedy, Romance, Slice of life
Creator: Dogakobo
Vintage: 2014
Type/length: 12 episodes (completed)
Creator: Dogakobo
Vintage: 2014
Type/length: 12 episodes (completed)
Personal rating: 7.5/10
* I'm not sure weather Nozaki-kun, a shoujo mangaka (who's still in highschool) is honestly clueless about the genre of his own manga (which is of course, shoujo) or he's just faking it. Ironically, he seems to be doing quite fine in the shoujo category despite being rather dense about it IRL. Some scenes are just funny as hell, you should see the going-home-together-on-a-bike scene XD
Isshuukan Friends
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Creator: Brains Base
Vintage: 2014
Type/length: 12 episodes (completed)
Vintage: 2014
Type/length: 12 episodes (completed)
Personal rating: 7/10
* Friends for a week, every week? Omg. Kawaii overload. So pure, so innocent~ This type of anime just makes your heart go fuafua and kirakira desu, the innocence is so pure it blinds every obstacle (...the heck am I writing here?? LoL)~X3
Sanzoku no Musume Ronja
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Genre: Adventure, Supernatural, Myth, Drama
Vintage: 2014
Type/length: 26 episodes (still airing, ongoing..)
Vintage: 2014
Type/length: 26 episodes (still airing, ongoing..)
Personal rating: 7.5/10
* For the first time in my life, I felt a rather positive emotion watching 2 teams of rowdy bandits going about their lives robbing rich people/aristocrats who travel through the enchanted forest. I guess the cause of this 'positive feeling' is due to Ronja and Birk (the children of the bandit leaders) being so darn adorable and innocent. It's almost like watching Upin & Ipin, only a hundred times better (LoL). I like the story's characters of mythical creatures who dwell in the enchanted forest, and I just can't help comparing the looks of ToriOnna to Rita
Sakasama no Patema (animovie)
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Genre: Science Fiction, Romance, Adventure
Creator: Yasuhiro Yoshiura
Vintage: 2013
Type/length: animovie
Vintage: 2013
Type/length: animovie
Personal rating: 7.5/10
* Patema Inverted, upside down worlds. The idea and concept of having 2 worlds connected, each bound to their own gravitational force is not really original. This animovie reminds me of the story 'Upside Down' (2012), by Juan Solanas. Nevertheless, this animovie is still interesting to watch as the concept of 2-worlds-different-gravity remains fresh and highly explorable ^^
Dareka no Manazashi (animovie)
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Genre: Drama, Slice of life, Futuristic
Creator: Makoto Shinkai
Vintage: 2013
Type/length: animovie (short film)
Vintage: 2013
Type/length: animovie (short film)
Personal rating: 7/10
* Someone's gaze. It's a heartwarming, family-oriented story, taking place somewhere in the future. Short, but packs an emotional punch of family relationship and responsibility. Makoto Shinkai really knows how to make awesome animation with superb graphics and good message, sasuga Makoto sensei desu ne ;3
Well that's all for now my koneko-tachi chan (kittens), watch out for my 9th post of personal anime review, coming soon (...in a few months from now I guess, haha... hey, I'm "busy" with IRL stuff too you know, LuuuuLz). Later gaiz~ ;3
Jya mata ne, koneko-tachi chan~ ( =^w^= )
Jya mata ne, koneko-tachi chan~ ( =^w^= )
IRL tu apa ye? ada channel anime kt Astro, tapi jarang tengok..
ReplyDeleteoh, IRL tu shortform bagi "In Real Life"... hehee, orang yang tak minat anime biasanya akan kata nengok anime ni membuang masa je, dorang lebih suka layan cerekarama adaptasi novel melayu waktu maghrib *sengih* ;p
Delete"dorang lebih suka layan cerekarama adaptasi novel melayu waktu maghrib" <--- mesti sentap kalo fans drama melayu yg dtygkan waktu maghrib mbacanye hahaha
Deleteni anime2 adik aku cukup fanatic la. belambak dia dnload. x makan nasik xpe,
aslkan jgn x dpt dnlod feveret anime dia hahaha
meh nak tambah lagi, "...dan juga drama2 korea yang tiada kesudahannya", kekeke ;p... actually, nak minat cerita apa tu sukahati masing2 la, hindustan ke, korea ke, japan ke, suka gi memancing ke, tengok bola ke, golf ke... cuma jangan taksub je sampai lupa agama dan tanggungjawab, dan pada masa yang sama jangan merendah2kan minat orang lain jika tak ingin minat sendiri direndah2kan, toleransi itu penting dalam menjaga keharmonian masyarakat, the most important thing is, jangan taksub, simple ;3
Deletehah, suggest la adik ana tu untuk skodeng blog ai nih, wkwkwkwkw ;p
ada drama Korea yg dah jd anime, citer City Hunter, pernah tengok kt channel anime tu
Deletehehe, sebenarnya it's the other way around sis, City Hunter yang Japanese anime series tu la yang muncul dahulu (1987-1988), lepas tu Korea amik idea dari anime tu, maka keluarlah K-dorama City Hunter pada tahun 2011 ;3
DeleteREVIEW DRAMA JAPAN PLEASEEEEEEEEE.....nak drama japannnn..hahahahhha
ReplyDeleteaiyark, drama japan dah lama tak layan meh... dulu pernah tengok satu J-dorama tu, tajuknya "Change", Takuya Kimura berlakon, awesome jugak citer tu ;3
DeleteBarakamon, Ishuukan friends dengan Nozaki kun dah memang ada dlam list nk tengok tapi tak start lg. Tengok review neechan ni nampknya bertambah la lagi list. hihi. Patema inverted macam menarikk. :D
ReplyDeleteMissha-chwannn~ X3
DeleteTaste anime kita lebih kurang, high five skittt~ ;3
Nozaki kun bru hbis tengok. best :D orang yang minat lukis mesti rasa lg best kot tengok cerita ni sebb dia ada pasal luks-lukis. hihi
ReplyDeletearigatou for review. boleh jadi list anime. sekarang tengah tengok anime parasyte tu, next week final episode T^T masih tengok lagi. and tokyo ghoul also, n kamisama hajimemashite also. hahaha.
douitashimashite~ ;3
Deleteaheheh, kamisama hajimemashite? ada skodeng sikit... very much shoujo desu, kekeke ;3
Sekarang aku tgh layan 'Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata' n 'Shirobako'.
ReplyDeletebest laa jugak, harem.
So paham2 laa bila ada yg terlampau tu...hahaha
btw, aku dengar Kyoukai no Kanata bakal keluar filem soon, tp bila ntah, aku pon tak pasti...
kahkahkah... aku ada baca reviews 2 anime tu sikit, n checked out the characters, macam tak menarik (bagi aku lah, hahah) ;3
Deleteaku pulak nak tengok yowamushi pedal punya live action! weheheh~ XD
Sekarang aku tengah layan anime Parasyte Maxim. Sebab live-action movie dia dah nak keluar. Trailer macam ohsem. Tapi suara Migi tak sama macam anime.
ReplyDeletehuhuhu ~
Uuuu... Parasyte punya live action? weheheh... nak tingukkk~ X3
Deleteooo patut ah suruh gua buat review novel.. miahahahah. tak reti le :3
ReplyDeletegua suka det conan, get backers, GTO je dulu kini dan selamanya, ehehe
detective conan memang evergreen punya anime kan~ ;3
ReplyDeletesaya suka conan...
ReplyDeletecayalah en.lim... heheh ;3
DeleteBanyak yang aku belum tengok lagi dalam list hang ni. Nobunaga Concerto tu mungkin aku akan tengok bila ada kelapangan sebab bab-bab history ni memang aku suka. Ni semua start dari layan Samurai X punya pasal la. Kalau sejarah ada masuk bab sejarah Nippon, mau boleh dapat A sebab boleh cerita start dari Tokugawa period. Haha.
ReplyDeleteOoh, kalau macam tu memang sesuai sangat la hang layan anime nobunaga concerto, memang sejarah nippon kaw2 punya, twist sikit campur dengan modern bila sorang budak sekolah zaman sekarang yang tak minat sejarah terjatuh masuk ke sengoku era. Rupa budak tu pulak kebetulan sejibik macam rupa Nobunaga yang femes gila tu, maka... hahah, aku tak nak spoil, hang tengoklah sendiri nanti bila rasa nak tengok ;3
Deleteserius kak baca blog akak dia punya bahsa memang plukan kfahaman yg tinggi..yg phan anime je paham..he,he
ReplyDeletegood listing n review utk kaki anime..snang nak buat rjukan :)
hehee sobyee-kun~ XD
Deletetimakasih sebab anda komen jugak di entri ini walaupun anda bukan kaki anime, highly appreciated! ;3
Salam. Hee anak dara saya minat anime ;p
ReplyDeletehohoho...out of the list of anime here, I've only watched Nozaki-kun.. (anime nie ade OVA, tp xabis lg kn? kalo xsilap sy la...)
ReplyDeleteParasyte dh kuar movie part 1, jom plain-san, kite together2 gi watch the movie :3